Friday, July 31, 2015


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Ant-Man is a fun movie. 
I had no idea what to expect, especially for all the time the movie spent in development hell; but Ant-Man succeeded in being everything I look for in a Marvel movie: (SPOILERS AHEAD)

Ant-Man fighting is so awesome to watch. I was always obsessed with the "Honey I Shrunk the Kids" movies as a little kid, and having tiny action scenes in huge everyday environments is so much fun. I was really impressed by how crisp everything looked.

Some Marvel movies fail to find the balance of humor, or mistake their identity for a comedy, (cough A:AoU cough) but all of Ant-Man's humor fit the tone and hit the nail right on the head. You could even call Ant-Man a comedy if you wanted to, but it worked because it was genuinely funny and had me laughing out loud. Paul Rudd is absolutely perfect for the smart-ass known as Scott Lang and it's gonna be interesting to see him as a part of the Avengers. You could definitely see traces of Edgar Wright's writing, and I can't help but believe the finished product would've been better with him at the helm, but the end result was hilarious nonetheless. Michael Peña stole the show as Lang's enigmatically goofy/sophisticated best friend. I hope we haven't seen the last of him either.

I love seeing connections to other Marvel movies. Plenty of awesome lines are dropped (Why don't we just call the Avengers?) and Ant-Man even fights an Avenger. At the end of the movie, a line even nods toward Spider-Man. How exciting.

This isn't just a disaster porn movie or even a superhero porn movie. Even though she may seem like a plot device at times, Lang's daughter Cassie is adorable and you can't help but root for him on his quest to prove to her that he's a good guy. "Be the hero she already thinks you are".

Since this movie hit all of my Marvel checkpoints on the head, I instantly loved it. Here's some other great stuff it has going for it:
- I liked how the stakes of this movie seemed simultaneously big and small. The fate of the world wasn't really at stake, but it didn't need to be - the main goal was to save Lang's own image of himself in his daughter's eyes. That was enough.
- The ending was really cool in that it would've been so easy for the writers to make the step-dad a bad guy and have Lang completely replace him in the end, but I liked the route they went - the movie ends with Lang eating with his daughter, his ex-wife, and her new husband in harmony. It was refreshing.
- This movie made me seriously sad when an ant died. That alone is an accomplishment.

Here's some stuff I didn't love about it:
- The chemistry between Dr. Pym and his daughter wasn't quite right. I still can't put my finger on it but something was off. Kinda awkward maybe.
- It suffers from the typical Marvel syndrome of having a villain with the same powers as the hero and weak, uninteresting motives. 

Overall, this was such a fun flick and I'd definitely see it again. Can't wait to see what's in store for Scott Lang.

Yup. 2. Stay planted in your seat 'till the lights come on.


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